Artisan Map
Jalpaiguri is a city in the state of West Bengal, India. It is the headquarters of Jalpaiguri district, and the divisional headquarters of the North Bengal region.Area: 70.29 km².
Basic Information
1. | Area | 6,227 sq km. (As per Census 2011) |
2 | Longitude | Between 88° 4' and 89° 53' East |
Latitude | Between 26° 16' and 27° 0' North | |
3. | Population | 3,869,675 (Male 19,80,068; Female 18,89,607) |
4. | Literacy Rate | 62.85 % (Male 72.83%, Female 52.21%) |
5. | No of Sub Division | 3 |
6. | No of Blocks |
7. | Address Of District Office | Collectorate Building, Contact No:. 03561 231103/ 8335060766 |
8. | District Setup of KVIB | Started In 1986 |
1.Pre-C.B.C. Programme
a.No. of unit 3126
b.Ammount Involved Rs. 127.22 lakhs
c.No. of Employment 4660
2.C.B.C. Programme
a. No. of unit. 876
b. Project Cost Rs. 183.36 lakhs.
c. No. Employment- 3010
3.R.E.G.P. (1998-99 tO 2007-08)
a. No. of Unit. 1480
b. M.M. Involved Rs. 1279.23 Lakhs
c. No. of Employment 18592
4.P.M.E.G.P.(2008-09 tO 2010-11)
a. No. of unit. 420 No.
b. Project Cost Rs. 3315.25 Lakhs.
c. M.M. Involved Rs. 1196.96 Lakhs
d. No. of Employment 7590