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Advertisement to create awareness and to generate demands of Khadi products
Advertisement is an art which helps the manufacturers and the merchants to create demand for articles and services which they produce for sell.
An advertisement (or “ad” for short) is anything that draws good attention towards the product. “Ad” performed through a variety of media and appear on television, as well as Radio, newspaper, magazines and billboards at most important places of the city. Railway Station, metro showing a sales price beside items etc. these may appear as “banner Ads” Apart From that KVIB also use free standing billboards.
The prime objectives of holding KHADI MELA is to promote Khadi institutions in respect of economic empowerment. There is no doubt that MELA is oxygen for Khadi Sector.
WBKVIB has been organizing various Mela viz- State Level & Zonal level Melas, exihibitions and buyer seller’s meet.
Participates in Govt. organized Exhibition (ITPO) at Progoti Maidan, New Delhi and also melas at abroad, at Italy, USA, Oman etc and very impressive response received.
As a part of Marketing Strategy and publicity measures the WBKVIB takes part in the exhibition organized by KVIB/KVIC or other departments in the meantime which has gained immence popularity and sales generated at these events have continuously been increased.
Objectives :
• To boost the sale of Khadi & V.I Products including handicrafts.
• To facilitate the consumer to purchase genuine Khadi & V.I products.
• To serve as a Window for promoting awareness among the consumer about the latest designs and varieties of fabrics, products etc.
• To create mass awareness about the KVI Products.
• To help to liquidate the accumulated stocks of Khadi & V.I Products.
• To help the KVIB/KVIC aided Khadi Institutions/Artisans for sell of their products.
Such Exhibitions/Melas are held in the following manner
1. National Level.
2. State Level.
3. Zonal Level.
4. District Level.
Main participants are a) Khadi Institutions b) V.I Units aided by KVIB/KVIC & c) V.I (KVIB’s initiatives) Cluster Product.
WBKVIB and Khadi institutions participated in various melas organized by Govt. Deptts. Viz- Mati Utsav, Baisakhi Mela, Sraboni Mela (organized by RCH, Rural Craft Hub)
Market research is the process of systematic gathering, recording and analyzing of data about customers, competitors and the market. Market research can help to create a business plan, launch a new product or service, fine tune existing products and service, expand into new markets etc. It can be used to determine which portion of the population will purchase the product/ service, based on variables like age, gender, location and income level. Our fashion designers are making predictions of consumer trends, displaying fabrics at the sales outlet after multiple revision.
We have tie up with expert designers of Kolkata who have the skills and knowledge about the contemporary dress making in the apparel industry.
Linking up with the Designer & Converters for value addition in the light of Customer’s demand and accordingly designer/ converter are launching new products on the basis of study of Market research.
The competition is fierce and in order to stay ahead in the race flexible pricing is now being permitted to Khadi ready-made garments where product valuation in form of processing/ branding/ packaging/ presentation etc. have been made to the materials received from Khadi Institutions and apart from that Khadi will also be eligible in pricing like Khadi bags, folders etc. Price fixation may be done based on the price of similar products available in the markets so that the price so fixed are competitive. This is as per the guideline of KVIC and this never before advantage and its future a never before assurance.
We are supplying Khadi as well as V.I goods to Biswa Bangla as per their requirements. Biswa Bangla is retailing the same to the users’ and in the meantime very good responses are coming.
With an objective to create a distinct identity of genuine Khadi, KVIC has developed Khadi Mark to guarantee the genuineness of Khadi i.e hand spun and hand woven, produced in India .
Khadi Mark Regulation 2013 – reproduced below –
“No textile shall be sold or otherwise traded by institution as Khadi or Khadi product in any for or manner without it bearing a Khadi Mark Level”. Khadi mark lebels will not be applicable to polyvastra and its product