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NOTIFICATION                Dated the   18th September   1961.


In exercise of the power conferred by section 33 of the West Bengal Khadi and Village Industries Board Act, 1959 (West Bengal Act XIV of   1959), the West Bengal Khadi   and Village   Industries Board, with the previous   sanction of   the State Government, hereby makes the following regulations, namely: —





1. Short Title: These regulations may be called the West Bengal Khadi and Village Industries Board Regulations, 1961.
2. Definitions: In these   regulations, unless the context otherwise required —

(a) "The Act" means   the West Bengal Khadi and Village Industries Board Act, 1959 (West Bengal Act XIV of 1959);
(b) "The Board" means the West Bengal Khadi and Village Industries Board established under section 3;
(c) "Chairman” means the Chairman of the Board appointed under sub-section (2) of section 4;
(d) "Executive Officer” means   the   Executive Officer of   the   Board   appointed under section 5;
(e) "Financial year" means the year commencing on the first day of April;
(f) "Government” means   the   Government of West Bengal;
(g) "The rules" means the West Bengal Khadi   and Village Industries Board Rules, 1960; 
(h) "Section" means a section of the Act; and 
(i) "Secretary" means   the Secretary of the Board appointed under   sub-section (3) of, section 4.


Terms and conditions of service under the Board

3. Transfer of   services: The services of all   the  employees of  the  Advisory Board for Khadi  and Village Industries  in West Bengal   and  the services of  the employees attached to  the different Village Industries Schemes under  the Directorate  of Industries,   Government of West Bengal,   who  agreed to  serve  the  Board and to  be  governed by the  Act and  the rules and regulations made  there under as for the time being in force  shall, on and from first April 1960,   be deemed to  have been transferred to  the  Board.

4. Conditions of   service   and remuneration:

(1) The employees whose services   have  been  so   transferred   shall   serve   under  the  Board   in  temporary capacities on the same remuneration  as   before   such  transfer  until provision regulating   their conditions of   service   and   remuneration is  made   by  an order by the Board .    The past   services   of   such employees under   their respective employers   shall be taken into   account   to   such extent   as   the Board may, with the previous   approval of   the Government, lay down for   the   purposes   of   leave, increment and seniority   and   for   the purposes of   any other   benefits or   concessions to which Government   servants were   eligible on the   31st March   1960.

(2) In fixing the scale of pay and allowances of its own employees   the Board may   take into account the scales of   pay   and allowances of similar categories of Government   servants; Provided   that   in the cases where the maximum salary or the   honorarium exceed Rs.300 per month or wages exceed Rs.10 per day, previous approval of the Government shall   be taken.

5. Creation   of   posts: All posts  shall be created by the Board by passing resolutions to that effect. All orders regarding creation of posts of honorary workers shall be issued by the Secretary and of all posts other than those of  honorary   workers  by  the   Executive  Officer.

6. Board's power to make appointment:

(1) Whenever necessary the Board may appoint paid as well as honorary employees. The Board may allow such honorarium, traveling allowances, and daily allowances as it dooms fit, subject to the condition that where the honorarium exceeds Rs.300 per month previous approval of the Government shall be taken.
(2) In appointing its officers and employees the Board may consult a Selection Committee formed by the Board of one or more of its members or outsiders of or both. In the cases where the Selection Committee is formed and consulted, all appointments shall be made by the Executive Officer as per the recommendation of such Committee.

7. Promotion and increment:

(1) Having due regard to merit, promotion shall be made generally on the basis of seniority. The Board may treat any post or class of posts as selection post or posts to which promotion shall be made in the basis of merit only: Provided that the Executive Officer may in special cases, with the prior approval of the Chairman and recording his reasons for so doing, promote employees drawing loss than Rs.300 per month otherwise than on the basis of seniority.

(2) Where the Executive Officer is competent to create a post he may be authorized by the Board to grant higher initial pay or sanction increments retrospectively, recording in either case his reasons for so doing.

8. Classes of employees: The employees of the Board shall be of four classes, namely - Class I to Class IV, who may further be classified into different grades. The duties and the responsibilities of the employees shall be such as may be specified by the Board by order issued from time to time.

9. Board to lay down terms and conditions of services: Subject to the provisions of the Act, rules and regulations, the Board shall lay down the terms and conditions of services including age limit at the time of recruitment, minimum qualification and experience required, gratuity, contributory provident fund, and the conduct, discipline and appeal if all its employees and honorary workers except the Secretary and the Executive Officer. The Board may by order in writing relax any of those terms and conditions wherever it is necessary to do so in the interests, and in furtherance of the work,of the Board.

10. Conditions of deputation service: In the  case of Government  Servants whose   services  are  lent  to   the  Board,   the   terms  and  conditions of   services including pay,   traveling  allowances,   daily   allowances,   leave,   leave  salary, provident fund,   pension and gratuity  shall  be  such as may  be   laid down by the Government  at   the  time  of  deputation to   the  Board.

11. Requirement of medical   certificate:

(1)  Before   joining  any post under the  Board  for   the  first   time,   a  candidate   shall be   required   t o produce   a medical   certificate   of   fitness  from   such  authority  and  in  such form  as may be   specified by the Board from  time  to   time:Provided that  such certificate  shall  not be  required  in the   case of employees whoso  services have  been transferred to  the Board  and  who had once produced  such certificate.

(2)    Under  special   circumstances  the  Board may  allow a selected candidate to  join without producing  such certificate  beforehand,   but only on the condition that such candidate  shall produce it within one month from  the  date of  his joining.

(3)    In exceptional   cases where  it   is  necessary  in the  interest of  the work of  the Board to do  so,   the Board nay by order  in writing wholly exempt a candidate  from producing such certificate.

(4)    Whoa once  an employee of  the Board is discharged from  service for non-production of such certificate,  he  shall not be employed again under the Board without first producing such certificate in advance.

12. Period of probation or  trial  and confirmation: Every employee of the Board recruited against  a permanent vacancy shall be  on probation for  a period of  twelve months  and every employee of  the  Board recruited against  a temporary  vacancy  shall   be on a trial for  a period of  three months.  Such period  of probation or trial may be extended by the  appointing  authority  by six months  in individual  cases.   After  satisfactory  completion of such period of probation an employee   shall be  confirmed  and after  satisfactory completion of  such period of trial  an employee  shall   be  allowed to continue  in the  temporary post.

13. Age of  superannuation,   extension and re-employment: Every employee of the Board   other  than honorary workers  and Government servants employed on deputation  shall retire  on the  date on which he   attains  the   age   of fifty-five years Provided  that   the  Board may,   by special  resolution in each case,   extend the service  of  an employee,   by not more  than one year  at  a time,   up  to  the sixtieth year of his  age  or re-employ  an employee,   by not more  than one year .   at  a time,   on specific  fresh terms  of   service.

14. Appointment   of   over-aged persons: The Board may   also make fresh appointment   if persons  aged over fifty-five years for  a period not exceeding one year  at   a time.

15. Termination of   services: The  appointing authority or  any authority superior   to   the   appointing   authority  nay   terminate   the   services  of-

(a)    a temporary employee,   at any  time during the period of  trial without  notice   and  without  assigning   any  reasons therefore,   and after  satisfactory  completion of  the period of   trial  by one month's notice  in writing  or by payment of one month's  salary as  allowances in lieu of  the  notice;

(b)    an employee  appointed against a permanent post,   at any time  during the period of probation without notice and without assigning any, reasons therefore,   and after satisfactory completion of the period of probation on any of the following grounds,   namely :-

(i)  when he  is declared medically unfit for further service  ; and

(ii) when he absents himself from duties without permission of appropriate  authorities or he is guilty of  insubordination, intemperance or other misconduct :Provided that termination on any of the aforesaid grounds shall be in accordance  with the procedure laid down by regulations made by the Board in this behalf.

16. Traveling allowances:

(1) An employee of the Board shall be granted traveling and daily allowances to cover the expenses which he incurs in traveling in the  interest   of the Board at such rates  and on such conditions as may be  specified by regulations made  by  the Board in this behalf.  Until provision in this behalf   is made  by regulations an employee  of   the Board   shall draw traveling and daily  allowances at  similar rates  and on similar conditions as Government  servants   of  the  same  category  and grade.

(2) The  Executive Officer shall  be   the  controlling Officer in respect of the  bills regarding the   traveling and  daily  allowances of   an employee   of  the Board.

17. Leave  and  leave  salary: Until  provision in this behalf  is made  by  the Board  by regulations,   leave  including  study leave   and  leave  salary  shall be admissible   to   an employee   of  the Board  in accordance with the  rules and  orders applicable  t o  a  Government   servant  of   the   same  category   and  grade.

18. Deputation out  of   India: The  Board  may,   with  the  prior  approval  of   the Government,   depute   any of   its  members or employees  to proceed  outside   India in connection with  the  Board' s work or on the request of  a foreign Government, and  also grant  funds for  the purpose.

19. Amenities: The  Board  may,   out of  its funds,   provide for  its employees amenities,   such as  canteen,   recreation club,   lunch room,   ladies room,   etc.



Meetings of   the Board  and  appointment of  Committees  and  Sub-Cornmittees

20.  Notice of meeting and  list of business: Subject  to  the provisions of rule  10,   the  Secretary   shall  issue  notice   and draw up  agenda of meetings of the Board.

21.  Presiding   over meetings: The  Chairman shall ordinarily preside over all  the meetings.   In his absence in any meeting the members present  in the meeting shall            elect  one  of  them,  other than the Secretary,   to preside over the meetings.

22.  Quorum:

(1)  No   business  shall  be   transacted at  any meeting of  the Board  unless   a quorum  shall  be present.
(2)  One   third   of  the  total  number of members of  the  Board holding office  for   the   time  being  shall form  a quorum.
(3)  If at any meeting of  the Board a quorum is not present,   the   Chairman or any other member presiding at  such a meeting shall adjourn the meeting to another date.         The members present  at  such adjourned meeting shall form a quorum,   whatever their  number may be.

23.  Casting of votes :

(1)  All  questions  which may  come   before the  Board at a meeting shall  be  decided by a majority of votes of  the members present and voting  at  such a meeting.  In          case of equality of votes,   the person presiding  shall have and exercise  a second or casting vote.
(2)  Votes  shall ordinarily be  taken by voice or by show of hands, provided  that  votes shall  be  taken by ballot  when so demanded by members present at  the meeting          and  SO decided by the person presiding over the meeting,

24.  Minutes  of the meetings :

(1)  In accordance with clause (iii) of rule 10,  minutes   of  the proceedings  showing inter alia the names of  the members present  and the decision taken thereat of  all            meetings of  the Board shall be entered by the  Secretary in a book to be kept for the purpose,   and  shall be signed  by the  persons presiding over the meeting.
(2)  A copy of  the minutes of  the proceedings of all meetings of the Board  shall  within seven days be  forwarded by the  Secretary  to  the  Government.
(3) The  Secretary  shall lay the minutes before the next meeting of the Board for  confirmation which shall be  signed after confirmation by the person presiding thereat :           Provided that  when the office  of the  Secretary is vacant,   the Executive Officer  shall  enter  and lay the minutes as above and the  Chairman shall forward the  same         to  the  Government.

25.  Appointment of Committees and Sub-Committees for  specific purposes: The  Board may appoint committees or  sub-committees consisting of one or more of         its members or  outsiders  or of both for   specific purposes  to  assist or advice   the  Board in carrying out  its functions under the Act.


Payment,   deposit,   investment and  custody of monies on behalf of the Board.

26. Issue  of  sanction of  expenditure: Subject  to  the provisions of  sub-rule (4)  of rule 9 and clause (v) of rule 11, all orders sanctioning expenditure  shall be                  issued by the  Executive Officer on behalf of the Board.

27. Manner of payment: Save payments by way of  salary, wages, allowances and honorarium, all other payments on behalf of the Board of  amounts not exceeding                Rs.100 each shall be made  in cash and of amounts exceeding  Rs.100 each by cheques.

28. Drawing and  signing  of  cheques: All cheques  shall be drawn against the  current  accounts  of   the Board and shall  be  signed by  -

(a)  the  Secretary and,   in his absence,   the  Executive Officer when the value  of  the  cheque does not exceed Rs.10,000,   and
(b)  jointly by  the  Secretary  and  the   Chairman when the  value of the cheque  exceeds Rs.10,000.

29. Authentication of deposits :   All  deposits shall be  authenticated  by the  signature of  the  Secretary.

30. Petty  cash  and deposit  of   surplus money:

(1) Petty  cash required for meeting current expenditure  of  the Board   shall  be  in  the  custody of the Executive Officer or any other officer of  the Board  authorized by           the Executive Officer  in writing in this behalf.   The amount of  such petty cash shall be as determined  by  the Board from  time  to  time.

(2) The  Board may advance an imprest  sum not exceeding Rs.500 to  an Officer of  the Board for  incurring petty expenditure  within the powers delegate  to  him.   Such         officer   shall be  liable   to   account for   such an advance   and shall maintain proper  account  in the  form  specified in this  behalf  by  the Board.

(3) All monies not required for current expenditure shall be deposited forthwith in the bank in appropriate accounts of the Board.

31. Executive Officer - responsibility for expenditure and internal audit :
    The Executive Officer shall be responsible for ensuring that no expenditure is made from the funds of the Board unless provision for such expenditure has been made in          the budget or revised budget of the Board end unless funds are available for incurring such expenditure, and he shall also conduct necessary internal audit of such                expenditure for ensuring that such expenditure is incurred in accordance with the rules end regulations under the Act and the orders and instructions issued from time to        time by the Government or the Board.


Chairman,   West Bengal Khadi and Village Industries