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The training programme on HOOBY-LOOM was conducted by West Bengal Khadi & V.I. Board under the R.S.V.Y. programme in Birbhum. A total number of 170 rural women were trained in Hooby-loom. The suppose of this training programme was -

i) To uplift the economical status of the rural women by making them self-sufficient.
ii) To popularise the atr of hooby-loom in the village.

Products: After completion of training they were able to produce different types of bags(made of jute & cotton), small size of carpet, duster, woolen cover etc.
Training Centres:
1. Bolpur- No.of trained women-100 
2. Gaganpur- No. of trained women -  70

Bank Finance:27 Nos. of trained women were financed by bank for their project at the rate of a project cost of Rs. 20000=00