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Khes a languishing yet wonder craft of weaving that encompasses the 3Rs of todays principle of conservation “Reduce Recycle Reuse”. It had found its foothold in Bengal approximately since the late 18th century.  Even before “reduce, reuse and recycle” became the environment watchword, Birbhum district, had a tradition of recycled textiles. ‘Khes was first

introduced in 1920 in Silpa sadan. (Visva Bharati) It was the vocational training centre that Rabindranath Tagore had set up in sriniketan. This recycling tradition in weaving continued in Birbhum alongside another recycling technique called ‘Kantha’ or the quilt made by layering old sarees. The tradition of “Khes” is quilt unique to Birbum and adjoining areas. (Link to ....Impact Study....)

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