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 Name of the Cluster : Food (Mango) Processing cluster at 'Anandamayee Mahila Sahgha' atArapur,Kotwali, Malda

Implementing Agency : District Office of WBKVIB, Malda
Nature of Products : Jam,Jelly,Juice,Bar (Aamsatta), Pickles from mango, Tomato sauce, Potato Chips, serpas, products
from pulses (like bori)etc.

Employment Generation : About 70 self helf groups with 800 women members.
Project cost : An amount of Rs. 52.44 lacs has already been sanctioned by the Govt. of West Bengal.
Additional Infrastructural Support: The District Administration has sanctioned Rs. 30.00 lacs for creation' of adequate infrastructure for this project from SGSY Infrastructure Fund under DRD Cell, Malda Zilia Parishad in addition to already existing cluster building with necessary amenities amounting to Rs. 16,00 lacs.
Present Status:Grounding work has been initiated by the District Officer on 16th April, 2012. It is expected that, the commencement of production will take place within next 6 months. (Link to ....Impact Study....)

 TPC:   Rs. 40.80 lakhs