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Natungram in Bardhaman is known all over for the traditional Wooden Dolls. Owl sculptures from Natungram in Bardhaman district shares the iconic status in representing Bengal’s handicraft. Besides owls, Krishna-Radha, king and queen dolls are traditionally made. The traditional designs based on culture and mythology, the richness of ideas, the brilliant combination of pure simplicity and glamour combined with the master craftsmanship of the crafts persons, result in an amazing work of art. Making of Wooden doll is a household activity in villages of Natungram, under Purbasthali- II Block of Burdwan District. There are 51 families and 126 Crafts persons living in the area are involved in Doll making. The centre facilitates training in coordination with DIC. A nearby Ashram run by a Swamiji, (of the Kathia Baba Sect.) organizes annual festival where the doll makers participate. The Ashram has also donated land for developing work shed for the craft hub. Traditionally wooden dolls found their market especially in rural fairs for centuries. Traditionally they are specialized in making the wooden owl of different sizes; considered auspicious for homes as it is the 'vahana' or escort of the goddess Lakshmi. Apart from these, the craft persons used to make 'Rashiputul' (figures of Radha-Krishna on a single block of wood), Durga, Laksmi, Saraswati, figures of the king and queen etc. (Link to ....Impact Study....)

Ethnic character dolls handmade from Natungram village, Agradeep of Bardhaman district, West Bengal, are curved in wood and decoratively painted by a group of rural crafts persons. The owl, with its unique design and colours, is the brand product of the village.

[Stories and myth behind- The craft gained immense popularity under the Bardhaman Maharaja. The traditional designs based on culture and mythology, the richness of ideas, the brilliant combination of pure simplicity and glamour combined with the master craftsmanship of the artisans, result in an amazing work of art.]



 TPC : Rs. 130.62 lakhs